The Dark Knight Review

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The Dark Knight. Quite possibly the best superhero movie ever made with possibly the greatest superhero of all time, Batman. This movie has an amazing plot including the mob controlling a corrupt city, supervillains wreaking havoc and causing chaos, impossible choices for the hero’s and situations that make any viewer question themselves and their own actions. This movie has a great cast of amazing actors but one actor specifically makes this movie come to life and that is Heath Ledgers portrayal of the Joker. This portrayal of the character is possibly one of my favorite acting performances I have ever seen in movies. Heath Ledger as the Joker is creepy, scary, serious, funny, and menacing all at once. Every scene he is on screen grabs you and pulls you into the movie regardless of where the movie is at. The movie has an amazingly written plot tied perfectly with some of the best casting decisions Hollywood has ever made.

I rate the Dark Knight with a 10 out of 10.

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